The commission and detection of crime, with the motives, actions, arraigment, judgement, and punishment of criminal, is one оf the great paradigms of narrative. Textualiized theft, assault, rape and murder begin with the earliest epics, and are central to Classical and much subsequent tragedy. The most important Classical detective is Oedipus, whose dual roles as investigator, and subsequently as revealed criminal, exemplify the blurring of the boundary between morality and immorality, or order anarchy, with which much subsequent crime fiction has been concerned. A similar trajectory may be ascribed to Hamlet , since Hamlet begin by investigating the murder of a king and ends by killing one, having been directly or indirectly responsible for at least four other deaths in the process; and the process is equally explicit in Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy . Other late Elizabethan and Jacobean plays are notably obesessed both with horrific crime and with aspects of criminal psychology, and the same perion produced some of the earlies „true crime“ in ballads of murder, robbery, kidnap and piracy, and in the „cony-catching“ pamphlets which detailed criminal methods and language with as much facination as formal condemnation. Словарная статья crime fiction ( detective story ) — Cuddon J.A. Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
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